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Testing Page
Testing and Evaluation
Aside from specialized electronic signal analysis and signal verifications, we can provide component and product level testing and even custom test fixtures. We commonly make detailed reports on our findings and make recommendations for improvements.
TIMING AND SIGNAL ANALYSISHere we a testing and reporting on the skew variance in a mechanical quadrature encoder. | PRECISION EVALUATIONSSometimes a high degree of precision is expected. |
SIGNAL ANALYSISWhether audio performance, power supply noise, or filter characteristics, we can measure up! | DOCUMENTATIONInformative reports can include captures of dramatic measurements! |
QUARTZ THERMOMETER ACCURACYAn oldie but a goodie that simply has not been out done in decades! That's 0.0001 degrees resolution! We use it for accurate thermal characterizations. | THERMAL CHARACTERIZATIONSHere we are determining the thermal resistance of an enclosure to calculate worst case internal temperatures. A simple but important determination. |
SEMICONDUCTOR CHARACTERIZATIONWe prefer to verify the "actual" performance of our TVS protection devices, zener diodes, and FET/MOSFET devices! | SIGNAL ACQUISITIONGood signal acquisition is key to finding those fleeting or transient conditions that can cause problems. We are equipped and prepared! |
MKS SYSTEMOf what use is the MKS system if you don't have the K under control? | LOGIC AND TIMINGLogic analyzers, we have a collection of specialized analyzers: pattern generating, deep memory, high channel count, high state capture rates..... |
HIGH ACCURACYSome instruments have performance that is truly stunning! We like to design and test with confidence! | OPTICAL TESTINGBeing able to communicate information at the fringes of our core services has been very useful! |
GET THE BALANCE RIGHT!Yes, that's milligrams! Who knows what technical problems we might be up against? | CIRCUIT AND TRANSDUCER STIMULUSSometimes simulating a signal condition can test for unusual case conditions. Arbitrary signal generators can help! |
RF TOOLSRF signal generators, spectrum analyzers, and sniffer probes help with RF situations! | COMPONENT ANALYSISProblems with a design? Maybe it's a component level problem; we'll check! |
TIME CRITICAL MEASUREMENTSUnderstanding the variance of time critical operations, is worth the time. | VECTOR SIGNAL ANALYSISDid you know that these signal analyzers also do sweeping characterizations of device frequency response? We are prepared for filter and RF tunings! |
FFT SIGNAL ANALYSISOur signal analyzers have been used for precise audio analysis and signal quality, power supply switching noise reduction, vibration analysis, and filter and device characterizations. | CUSTOM PROGRAMMING AND TEST FIXTURESWe also design and fabricate programming and test fixtures for production line environments. |
CUSTOM TESTER ASSEMBLY IN PROGRESSHere we are working on the final assembly of the internals of a relatively simple bed of nails programmer and tester we designed. | CUSTOM TESTER INTERNALSHere we are working on the internals of a high current, high voltage, test fixture. |
ANOTHER CUSTOM TESTERThe internals of a fully custom tester. We designed the test requirements, the hardware, the PCB's, and the test firmware! | SIMPLE TEST FIXTURESometimes the test fixture requirements are very basic. We can accommodate small to medium test fixture designs. |
MICROSCOPES FOR PRECISION MEASUREMENTSMicroscopic measurements and analysis are no longer an option for an electronics lab. | DEVICE TESTERHere we have constructed an acoustically sensitive device tester. |
MULTISTAGE GO-NO-GO TESTERCompletely integrated device test fixtures. | SPECIAL ENVIRONMENT TESTINGGas sensors, PIR sensors, Acoustic Sensors, we can do specialized testing. |
OPEN FRAME BON TESTERSWe have done many low cost open frame BON fixtures. | MICROSCOPY INVESTIGATIONSHere we are evaluating the IR reflectance characteristics of trackballs. |
BACnet TEST FIXUREHere we have developed an automated test fixture for a BACnet product (that we also developed) | SPECIALIZED TEST FIXTUREWe developed this special re-programming test fixture to puncture conformal coating. |
MORE ADAPTERSWe can develop special test fixture adapters for each of your product variants. | SINGLE CAVITY TESTERSSmall, simple, single cavity testers can make life easier! Here we have developed a simple programming and test fixture. |
MULTI-CAVITY FIXTURESMulti-Cavity fixtures can save space, time, and costs! | CLEAN DESIGNHere is a look under-the-hood of one of our test fixtures. Clean designs make for easy and quick maintenance! |
RF TEST FIXTURESWe have designed and constructed fixtures for RF calibration on assembly lines. | TESTING FREQUENCY RESPONSEWe routinely test audio frequency responses. Here we are testing the response of a Smartphone mic pre-amp. |
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