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Prototyping Page
Prototyping new concepts or product ideas is our specialty! At Scientific Solutions we believe in well crafted prototypes that provide answers!
Prototypes are developed for many reasons but the primary reason is to answer technical, conceptual, or performance related questions. If a prototype fails due to poor construction or implementation, critical decisions might be compromised. These decisions might be made on the quality of workmanship instead of the parameters you were intending to evaluate; unfortunately, you might not even realize this.
At Scientific Solutions we believe in crafting reliable prototypes to ensure your evaluations are focused on the incorporated design concepts and technologies.
BACnet PRODUCT PROTOTYPEComplex prototypes can be fabricated quickly! Here we have a prototype of BACnet controller. This prototype platform enabled us to develop the firmware quickly! | LPKF PCB CNC TOOLSWe have LPKF Rapid PCB tools for quick evaluation of new PCB designs. Form, fit, and function tested in minutes! |
GAS SENSOR PROTOTYPECritical PCB mechanicals can also be tested for form and fit. This is a specialized gas sensor. | MCU PROTOTYPEQuick prototypes can help get the firmware started early! Here is a prototype based on a tiny SOT-23-6 MCU. |
POWER SUPPLY PROTOTYPESpecialized low noise, high efficiency, power supply prototype for a portable, battery operated, long wave, high sensitivity, IR camera. | MORE BENCH TESTINGBench testing a new prototype. Let's test it to the limits! |
CANopen CONTROLLER PROTOTYPEWe designed the HW and FW, then prototyped the designs, for these CANopen devices. Here they are being tested with CANopen Magic. | PROTOTYPE IN PROGRESSSometimes the prototyping and firmware development process can get pretty involved! No Problem! |
PROTOTYPE OF OLED DISPLAY WITH OPTICAL FINGER NAVIGATION INTERFACEWith new touch screen technologies, the excitement around optical finger navigation has died down somewhat. For very small displays OFN's may still have a place! | DUAL RADIO WIND MONITORRapid prototype of dual radio system (WiFi, and custom protocols) |
DUAL RADIO PROTOTYPEWith LPKF PCB tools, even RF boards can be prototyped quickly. | PCB PROTOTYPED WITH LPKF TOOLSNice clean PCB prototype! |
CLA POWER ADAPTERPrototype of high power CLA adapter ready for testing.... | GPS NAVIGATION DEVICEGPS Navigation device with Apple ID Authentication chip. |
RF PCB PROTOTYPE6 layer GPS/RF PCB design with CPU and Apple Authentication. | GAS SENSOR TECHNOLOGIESRapid prototype of ultra low current, low noise, gas sensor circuitry. |
GAS SENSOR AND CALIBRATOR PROTOTYPEPrototype of gas sensor with non-volatile storage of calibration and mode parameters. | FUNCTIONAL PROTOTYPE OF DUAL SENSOR TRACKBALLComplete HW and FW development for dual sensor trackball. |
ADVANCED OPTICAL TRACKBALL PROTOTYPEEarly concept prototype for a new double sensor, optical trackball. This platform served as a firmware development platform and a critical mechanical verification model. This technology received a full patent. | ADVANCED OPTICAL TRACKBALL PROTOTYPEMechanical trackball prototype (Painted SLA model). We designed the MCU based wireless electronics and wrote the patented firmware. |
Energy Harvesting TechnologiesWe designed this device, with built in radio, to operate from solar charged Vanadium Pentoxide Lithium Coin cells. | Dual Radio Base Station Coming Together!Two Radios, and a very smart energy management system in firmware. |
Gas Sensor InterfaceWe pulled together the hardware design, designed the PCB, assembled the Prototypes, and tested for performance. | Expanding Existing DesignsAdding new life to older products is common practice for us. |
Not Your Typical Product Configuration!Sometimes the designs call for strange configurations! | Energy HarvestingAnother look at one of our carefully implemented Energy Harvesting prototypes. |
Just Another Prototype RunSeveral prototypes required? No problem! | QUICK BACnet PROTOTYPEHere we have put together the core hardware for a quick BACnet Prototype. The firmware was another matter!! |
MICROCHIP 10F222Ever seen a SOT23-6 microcontroller? We have developed battery charge managers with these tiny devices. | ENERGY HARVESTINGHere we have developed the hardware for an energy harvesting device. It uses the audio output of a smartphone to power a specialized remote control. |
ANOTHER CLA CHARGERWe designed the circuitry for this CLA adapter to meet the rigorous requirements of Apple's charger specifications. |
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