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Mechanical Page
Efficient and accurate prototyping requires a studio that is well equipped with diverse tools. We have a wide range of machining, measurement, and fabrication tools, in our studio to help create precise prototypes quickly! Here are a few photo's from our mechanical studio:
VERSATILE MACHININGWe are accustomed to very unusual mechanical fabrication requirements. | PRECISION MEASUREMENTSA good selection of gauges and measurement tools is essential for precision prototyping work. |
LPKF PCB CNC TOOLS!That's a lot of acronyms! We have LPKF tools to prototype and test new PCB designs quickly! | MINI CNC CAPABILITIESSome on site mini CNC tools help with precision part fabrication. Here we have an oldie but a goodie! |
TOOLMAKER'S PRECISION!Our toolmaker's microscopes are used to make versatile and precise measurements! | MACHINING TOOLSLathes and mills are the work horses of mechanical fabrication. We have these on site for quick prototype fabrication or verification of part designs. |
MEASURING MICROSCOPESOur measuring microscopes are indispensable for precision analysis, precise measurements, and investigative reporting. | ENCLOSURE AND PANEL MACHININGOur machine shop is always very busy with small panel and enclosure fabrications. |
VERIFICATION MEASUREMENTSWorking closely with the Industrial Designers often requires verification of sample parts. | PRECISION MECHATRONICSElectro-mechanical designs often require extremely tight tolerances. Here we are positioning an optical sensor within an SLA model. Positional accuracy must be within <25um. No problem! |
3D PRINTED PART VERIFICATIONSOften new 3D printed part designs will require verification and adjustment before a functional prototype can be constructed. | Precision Box and Pan BrakeSheet metal tools are extremely useful in the prototyping process. We are proud of our older work horses like this box and pan brake! |
MORE SHEET METAL AND SHEARING EQUIPMENTWorking with sheet materials is essential for the prototyping and fabrication processes. | PRECISION ELECTRO-MECHANICAL INTERFACESHere we have the sub-assembly of one of our custom designed test fixture interfaces. The mechanical tolerances are critical. |
MECHANICALLY PRECISE TEST FIXTURE INTERFACEIt's not just the X and the Y that are carefully positioned, the Z is also strategically designed! |
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